2008 Jacksonville Kayak Fishing Classic Prizes
Captain's BagHobie Duffel BagMeasuring Ruler Cooler Tournament T-Shirt Costa Del Mar Sunglass Retainer Rod Float DOA Shrimp Berkley Gulp Mirrolure or Bite-A-Bait Calcutta FlashFoil Shad or Jigs Sure Catch Jigs Hobie Travel Mug or Gander Mountain Cozie XTOOLS, Gander Mountain, or Calcutta Cap/Visor DriGrip or Hobie Sunscreen Florida Fishing Weekly Kayak Fisherman Magazine Sportsman's Flats Fishing Journal Bullfrog |
CouponsOtterBox - 10% Off at www.OtterBox.com.ButtRest Fishing - $5 Off at www.ButtRestFishing.com. Contingency PrizesFlorida Fishing Weekly - All winners receive an annual subscription.ButtRest Fishing - All winners with a picture angler with winning catch and ButtRest Rod Holder win $25. In-Store Raffles To win these kayaks you must go to the respective store to purchase your raffle ticket ($20 each). Drawings will be at the Classic and you must be present to win. Click on each raffle for more details. |
Fishing PrizesRedfish-Trout-Flounder Slam
Biggest Redfish
Biggest Trout
Biggest Flounder
Fly Angler Award - Salty Feather $100 Gift Certificate, Trophy Lady Angler Award - $100 Dick's Sporting Goods Gift Certificate, Trophy Junior Angler Award - $50 Dick's Sporting Goods Gift Certificate, Exude Mr. Twister Filled Tackle Box, Trophy Senior Angler Award - $100 Gander Mountain Gift Certificate, Trophy Mystery Fish - Strike-Zone Fishing Tackle Bag With Assorted Tackle 321Fish.Com Top Photo Contest - $25 Dick's Sporting Goods Gift Certificate (8) Hoosier Paddler's Best Dang Tackle Box |
Raffle Prizes (subject to change)Kayaks Paddles Rods & Reels Bait Tanks and Tackle Tools Kayak Rigging Rod Holders Storage Safety Electronics Misc Gift Certificates |
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